
Agriculture Product

Agriculture Product

Iran with significant climatic diversity and great potential can be an exporter of many agricultural and livestock products to Africa and Tanzania.

Iran is an exporter of many products to countries around the world. In addition to oil, petroleum and petrochemical products and mineral products, agricultural products are also one of the main items in Iran’s export basket.


Agricultural growth in Iran

Iran is one of the countries that have excellent potential for agriculture due to its climate diversity. Part of the migration to this land throughout history has been to find better land for agriculture.

It should be noted that agriculture includes various sectors of agriculture and horticulture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, and forestry. Cultivation can be done with irrigation or in the dry season.

At present, various types of agricultural products are exported to other countries in raw or processed form, fresh or in the form of nuts.

According to a report in 1999 and FAO information, Iran is on the list of ten largest countries in the world in agricultural production. An important part of Iran’s non-oil exports is now related to agricultural products.

List of Iranian agricultural products for export

Half of the cultivated land in Iran is dedicated to wheat. Barley and rice cultivation also account for a significant percentage. Of course, the variety of cultivable products in Iran is also noteworthy due to the climatic diversity. Alfalfa, tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, onions, and saffron make up a high percentage of agricultural land.

However, the statistics for most significant agricultural items are different from the statistics for exports. Because in exports, it should be seen which countries of our products are more interested in the destination countries. In the following, we will introduce the most important export agricultural items of Iran.


Raisins and grapes

Raisins are among the export products that are in the category of nuts. This dried fruit has many properties and even more than fresh Iranian grapes are exported to other countries. According to statistics, Iranian grapes are sent to 80 countries, the most important of which are Iraq, Oman, and the UAE.

Exported grapes include seedless, white, red, and ruby varieties that must be harvested with healthy seeds in complete clusters for quality to be exported.

summer crops

An important part of Iran’s agricultural exports, especially to the countries of the Persian Gulf and other countries such as Russia and Pakistan and… summer ‌.

Due to the high demand from these countries for Iranian summer crops, trade-in these agricultural products can be very lucrative.

Cucumber product is also in the category of summer products whose export from Iran to other countries is significant.


Iranian dates are cultivated in provinces located in the tropics. The largest share of Iranian date production is in Kerman province, followed by Hormozgan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Bushehr, Khuzestan, and Fars provinces, respectively.

European countries are among the most important applicants for Iranian dates. Countries such as Russia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India also buy Iranian dates. Iranian dates are very diverse. Among its varieties, Kabkab, Majool, Pyarom, and Zahedi Dates are the most in-demand.



Saffron is one of the most precious and valuable agricultural products of Iran, which is called Iranian red gold. This product is one of the famous export products of Iran due to its rarity in the world.


Another valuable agricultural product of Iran is pistachio. The export of this product has a historical history and is one of the traditional trades of this land.

Other Iranian agricultural products include kiwi, pomegranate, cabbage, nuts, garlic, apples, medicinal plants and others.

List of Iranian agricultural products for export

Half of the cultivated land in Iran is dedicated to wheat. Barley and rice cultivation also account for a significant percentage. Of course, the variety of cultivable products in Iran is also noteworthy due to the climatic diversity. Alfalfa, tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, onions and saffron make up a high percentage of agricultural land.

However, the statistics of most and major agricultural items are different from the statistics of exports. Because in exports, it should be seen which countries of our products are more interested in the destination countries. In the following, we will introduce the most important export agricultural items of Iran.

Iran Livestock Export Products

Iran can produce various livestock products. At present, various products from this field are exported to other countries.

White and red meat

Fish, shrimp, and poultry are called white meat. Iran is an influential exporter of chicken and eggs.

The waters of northern and southern Iran are home to many species of fish and fisheries.

Beef and mutton are also included in the category of red meat, which is sent from Iran in packaged form to other applicant countries.


However, there is the confidence that Iran’s share could be much greater in supplying construction items to Tanzania and other African countries. Given that Iran is a prominent and significant supplier in the field of construction materials, its potential to meet the market needs of these products in other countries should also be considered.

In supplying some items such as cement, Iran can meet twice the needs of its domestic market. Therefore, it can export its surplus production to other countries. There is a need to facilitate the export process by creating suitable facilities for transporting and receiving goods in destination countries, including Tanzania and other African countries.

It should also be noted that the industries related to the production of tiles, ceramics, and building stones in Iran in recent years have gone out of the traditional form and by using modern technologies and knowledge to progress and significantly increase production both quantitatively and qualitatively. it has arrived.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide appropriate transportation conditions and facilities in the destination countries to import and distribute these items in the market. In this way, Iran can easily play its part in meeting the needs of African countries in the field of construction materials.


Some provinces of Iran have good potential for livestock breeding. Therefore, they can export the livestock surplus to the applicant countries after meeting the domestic demand.

last word

The list of all items in Iran’s agricultural export sector is definitely very long, and we have mentioned only a few of them. Iran is a vast land with climatic diversity and great potential for the production and export of various agricultural and livestock products that have been able to meet the needs of many countries. It is ready for wider trade links, including exports of its diverse products to African countries, including Tanzania.

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